We believe in solutions that combine innovation with an intelligent business sense to bring about dramatic improvements in both office process efficiency, and the client’s bottom line. Superior customer service and cost-effective operations have become a key to competitive strength among today’s businesses.
Chorus supports re-engineering of business information processes to achieve these goals, making this competitive strategy not just a concept, but also a reality.
If you or your clients are in need of consulting services, regardless of the location globally, we are able to provide consulting services that include Computer Forensics, Electronically Stored Information (ESI), paper discovery, intellectual property, technology and other advisory services.
Five Steps In-House Counsel Should Take to Mitigate Information Risk White Paper
In-house counsel need to collaborate with key information governance stakeholders to help resolve their sometimes-conflicting information management goals and ensure that the IG program has the executive support and resources needed for the organization to achieve its core mission while preventing or mitigating risks.